Katie Fujiye Nuss Louis

User Katie Fujiye Nuss Louis

User PhD Candidate

Social Sciences Division

PhD Candidate


Social Sciences 1

Wednesdays 10-12

Social Sciences 1 Faculty Services

I am a Ph.D. candidate whose research focuses on the enduring impacts of the World War II forced incarceration of Japanese Americans. As a Yonsei (fourth-generation Japanese American), I draw inspiration from my own family's history in my academic work. Both of my maternal grandparents were incarcerated at the Colorado River Relocation Center or Poston in Arizona. Beyond my research, I serve as the Vice President of the Poston Community Alliance, a nonprofit organization committed to preserving the history of Poston's incarceration camp and advocating for social justice. 


M.S., Applied Anthropology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

B.A., Anthropology: Archaeological Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Japanese American history and heritage; community-based participatory research; intergenerational trauma; heritage ethnography; digital scholarship and heritage preservation; postmemory studies

Last modified: Sep 15, 2023